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Why Agile is the Future of Software Development: Characteristics, Principles, and Values

Updated: Jul 26

In a world where technology evolves at lightning speed, sticking to rigid plans can be a recipe for disaster. Imagine being on a ship trying to navigate through unpredictable waters with an outdated map. You'd want the flexibility to adjust your course, right? That's where Agile comes in. Unlike traditional models, Agile offers the ability to adapt and respond to changes efficiently and systematically. But don’t be mistaken—Agile is not about chaos or doing things randomly. Let me share a story.

I recently visited an institution that aimed to implement Agile but ended up failing. Why? They misunderstood the concept, leading to constantly shifting project objectives and uncontrolled project scope expansion. To avoid such pitfalls, it's crucial to grasp the true essence of Agile. Let’s dive into the characteristics, principles, and values of Agile, and understand why it’s becoming the go-to choice for software development.

Characteristics of Agile

Organizations or groups must consider the following three characteristics to make their system Agile:


Flow relates to how smoothly the system operates, producing results at a steady and constant rate. Think of a factory assembly line where each part moves smoothly from one station to the next, resulting in a high productivity rate. In Agile, a development team consistently delivers small, usable increments of software.


Learning involves continuously improving by learning from past experiences, mistakes, and others' knowledge. Imagine a team that holds regular review meetings to discuss what went well and what didn't. They apply these lessons to improve future iterations, much like a basketball team reviewing game footage to enhance their strategy.


Collaboration is about different strategies or cultures that enable team members to work together effectively to achieve the project’s goals. Picture a band where each musician knows their role but works in harmony with others to create beautiful music. In Agile, developers, testers, and customers work closely, ensuring everyone’s input shapes the final product.

Values of Agile

The Agile Manifesto, written by Fowler and Highsmith (2001), introduced four core values:

Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools:

While tools and processes are important, the key to success is skilled people working well together.A highly skilled and communicative team can deliver great results even with basic tools, whereas a less skilled team may struggle despite having the best tools.

Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation:

Working closely with customers throughout the project ensures their needs are met, even if they evolve over time. In traditional models, a customer might sign off on requirements at the start, only to find out later that their needs have changed. Agile involves continuous collaboration, allowing the project to adapt to changing requirements.

Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation:

The primary goal is to deliver a working product, not just detailed plans or documents. Customers prefer seeing a functional demo rather than reading a 100-page requirement document. Agile teams focus on delivering small, working parts of the software frequently.

Responding to Change over Following a Plan:

Flexibility to adapt to changes is more valuable than sticking rigidly to an initial plan. If market conditions change or new technologies emerge, Agile teams can pivot and adjust their course, whereas traditional models might struggle to adapt.

Principles of Agile

The Agile Manifesto also introduces 12 principles to help project teams understand Agile development:

Customer Satisfaction through Early and Continuous Delivery:

Deliver small, functional parts of the software early and regularly to get feedback and improve. A team delivers a new feature every two weeks, allowing customers to see progress and provide input.

Welcome Changing Requirements:

Embrace changes even late in development to ensure the product remains relevant. A team adjusts its plan to incorporate a new customer requirement discovered halfway through the project.

Frequent Delivery of Working Software:

Deliver software increments frequently, typically every two weeks to a few months. Regularly releasing new features keeps the project moving forward and customers engaged.

Close Collaboration Between Business People and Developers:

Regular interaction between stakeholders and the development team ensures alignment. Daily stand-up meetings help keep everyone informed and aligned on the project’s progress.

Build Projects Around Motivated Individuals:

Provide the right environment and trust your team to get the job done. A motivated team with the freedom to make decisions will be more productive and creative.

Face-to-Face Communication:

Direct communication is the most efficient way to convey information. In-person meetings or video calls are preferred over lengthy email chains to resolve issues quickly.

Working Software as a Measure of Progress:

Progress is measured by the delivery of functional software. A feature that works and can be used by the customer is a true measure of progress, unlike theoretical completion.

Sustainable Development:

Maintain a constant pace that can be sustained indefinitely. Avoid burnout by ensuring the team works at a manageable pace, delivering consistent results over time.

Continuous Attention to Technical Excellence:

Focus on good design and technical quality to enhance agility. Regular code reviews and refactoring ensure the software remains maintainable and scalable.


Keep things simple and only add necessary features. Break down tasks into manageable chunks to avoid complexity and confusion.

Self-Organizing Teams:

Teams should be autonomous and have the skills to organize themselves. A self-organizing team decides how to tackle tasks and solve problems without constant oversight.

Regular Reflection and Adjustment:

Teams should regularly reflect on their performance and make necessary adjustments. After each iteration, the team discusses what went well and what could be improved, then implements changes for the next cycle.

Impact of Agile on Project Teams

Agile project management significantly impacts how project teams operate. Unlike traditional models with a single leader, Agile fosters a collective leadership mindset where every team member has autonomy. This decentralized approach empowers individuals, encouraging them to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities. Agile project management offers organizations many advantages, making them more productive.

However, transitioning to Agile can be challenging. It requires professional and skilled individuals capable of handling various roles within an Agile team. This might mean letting go of team members who lack the necessary skills and hiring new ones with the required expertise. Beyond skills, embracing an Agile mindset is crucial. This shift moves away from traditional hierarchical structures towards a culture where leaders are part of the development team, and developers see themselves as self-organized.

In an Agile environment, the focus is on customer requirements, fostering a collaborative and supportive culture. Developers aim to deliver high-quality products by creating more value for customers during each sprint. Short feedback loops with customers help understand new changes and requirements, increasing customer satisfaction and involvement in the development phase.


Agile isn’t about chaos or lack of structure. It’s about flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. By understanding and implementing the characteristics, values, and principles of Agile, you can navigate the unpredictable waters of software development effectively and efficiently. Embrace Agile, and watch your projects thrive in a world that never stops changing. In the last few years, different approaches have been introduced based on Agile concepts. Two very well-known methods are Scrum and Kanban, which we will explore in the next sections.

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